Spine Health and Wellness Center

A helping hand towards optimal health

We treat your Life, Not just the Injury

Your finest manual physical therapy clinic!


Spine Health and Wellness Center is one of the finest manual physical therapy clinics in the city of Accra Ghana. Our therapists are highly trained and committed to identifying the root cause of pains and injuries among our clients.

Spine Health and Wellness Center is noted for providing solutions to the most challenging musculoskeletal problems that affect the spine and the joint in the body. No matter the problem you may be facing and no matter how long it may have lasted we are ever ready to journey with you so we can address the problem at it’s very roots.

Talk to us if you have any of the following challenges 1. Lower back pain 2. Neck pain 3. Spondylosis 4. Sciatica 5. Shoulder pain 6. Knee pain 7.Sports injuries 8.Scoliosis etc.

Lebene Bagidah

Health Coach

Happiness is a condition of mental, physical, and profound prosperity…

take part in our Physical Exercise and achieve the most extreme execution.

Work with us!

Let us help you figure out what your unique self needs to feel good and thrive